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Free upgrade for all registered Limited-MAX users
Limited-MAX is a full-featured mastering limiter, designed for transparent mastering applications. It features a high degree of customization and flexibility, and includes innovative features designed to produce naturally-sounding limiting on numerous audio sources. Limited-MAX starts with a clean and transparent compressor/limiter engine, but it doesn’t stop there.
Limited-MAX utilizes separate limiting algorithms to dynamically select the best process for the incoming signal level. Borrowing some technology from Clipped-MAX, Limited-MAX included a custom-designed ClipShifter engine for managing fast transient sections. To handle more sustained loudness, Limited-MAX employees a fast peak limiter and waveshaper. To control it all, Limited-MAX uses an X/Y input control to allow the user to select and configure how Limited-MAX dynamically switches between each of the algorithms.
In addition to the standard limiter controls like attack, release, and look-ahead, Limited-MAX adds several controls that make it a versatile limiter. Limited-MAX includes a selectable DC filtering, complete dither metering and controls with custom-designed noise shaping algorithms, and controls for dynamically changing low and high frequencies and transients.
The demo version of Limited-MAX can be downloaded below. The demo version bypasses the audio for approximately 3 seconds every minute or two. For any questions or problems with Limited-MAX, please use the Contact page or view the support forum hosted by KVR
Current Version (for Windows and OS X 10.8 or later)